Insurance Support

The CareASSIST Patient Support Program is available to eligible patients prescribed JEVTANA

Once your healthcare provider has prescribed JEVTANA, CareASSIST is here to help with reimbursement and access services.

CareASSIST Patient Access Specialists can help you evaluate your prescription insurance coverage and identify options, including the following services:

Insurance Verification: After you and your healthcare provider have decided that JEVTANA is right for you, we can help you understand your insurance coverage. To start the process, work together with your healthcare provider's office to complete the application form.

Prior Authorization Assistance: Some health insurers require a pre-approval (known as a prior authorization) before they will cover certain items or services. If this is the case, it is up to you and your healthcare provider to prepare and submit the proper documents—CareASSIST can help navigate the process. In the event that a prior authorization is denied, you and your healthcare provider can appeal and CareASSIST can help you understand that process as well.


Claims Management and Appeals Assistance: Almost all health insurers have a special process to appeal a coverage decision. CareASSIST can assist in navigating the appeals process. If we do, it is up to you and/or your healthcare provider to prepare and submit documents to support the appeal. Also, Sanofi Genzyme cannot guarantee the outcome of appeals assistance.

Did you know?

There is more to help you get started and stay on track.

Explore CareASSIST services and resources available including Access and Reimbursement, Financial Assistance, and Resource Support.